- Use dedicated SQL Instances for SharePoint 2013
- Always use SQL Server Alias for SharePoint 2013 SQL Server instance
- Default collation setting while installing SQL 2012: Latin1_General_CI_AS_KS_WS
- Site collection resides in only one database however a database can have many site collections
- Maximum size for a DB recommended by MS is 200GB, however it can support up to 16TB
- Since SharePoint manages the schema on its own never attempt to modify a SharePoint database from SQL
- The I/O profile that you design for your storage will change overtime depending on actual SharePoint usage
- The SharePoint Config database is what comprises the actual SharePoint farm configuration information like IIS Settings, Farm solutions, Topology info, etc. This database is read intensive and can range between 0-5GB size
- Never user Simple recovery mode for production SharePoint SQL databases, always use Full recovery mode
- Tempdb best practices
- Number of tempdb files should be 1/4th or 1/2 the number of processor cores on SQL server – This is a practice that needs real data from your existing system to see if tempdb is creating a bottleneck and whether or not increasing the number of db files will increase performance. Refer to this and this article for more details.
- Tempdb size should be roughly 10% of total content DBs
- Autogrowth setting should be in MB and not a percentage
- Tempdb should use Simple Recovery Model
- Tempdb should be placed on different drive than content databases file
- Model DB best practices
- Work with SharePoint Admin to identify default initialize size for model db and its log file
- Set the autogrowth in MB and not in percentage (There is a caveat – Databases created by SharePoint does not copy autogrowth settings from Model DB)
- Set the maximum memory for SQL instance appropriately leaving at least 4GB for the OS
- Set the default file locations on appropriate drive, ideally this is always other than c drive
- Set Max Degree of parallelism to 1 for SQL instance
- For the SQL Server OS set the NTFS allocation size to 64K for MDF partitions, leaving it at 4K will reduce the performance by as much as 30%
- Always use high availability either via cluster or always on for Production farms